Three Unexpected Benefits of Book Preorders

I hope your summer has been going well. This week was the first week in over a year that all my children had activities away from home. Overnight camping for my teens and day camp for my girls. Now I love my family and will be happy when everyone returns. 

That said, the few days of solitude have been...glorious!

It gave me time to think about the future. Like, how I have a book coming out in less than a year and should probably start thinking about preorders.

It's pretty obvious that preordering helps authors with books in the pipeline, but did you know it also benefits YOU? Here are a few unexpected reasons why:

1) Preordering is a great excuse to talk to a bookseller.

Booksellers are the best people. If you are shy, you could order online, but nothing beats talking to a bookseller: “Hey, do you have this book available for preorder?”  While you are chatting with the bookseller, I bet they have other great suggestion for books, and now you have a bookstore friend. Bookstore friends are helpful when you have question like, “How can my aunt in Alaska order fifteen signed copies of my book through your store?” The also often have connections to local educators, and sometimes recommend authors they know for school visits.

Wow, independent bookstores are amazing resources, huh?

2) Preordering helps the books you like come out faster.

Want to know a secret? Editors often can’t buy next books from authors until they have enough presales. Without strong presales, you might wait a two or three years for the next in the series...if it comes at all. If you are going to buy a book anyway, preordering greases publishing’s wheels and gets the books you want into the production chain.

3) Authors often have bonus incentives to preorder.

Take the three authors below. They are offering signed copies through preorder at select locations. Just leave a comment at checkout:


1) Penguin Journey (October 26, 2021) through The Vermont Bookshop:
2) Some Daddies (May 17, 2022) through Silver Unicorn Books:
3) Janet Lawler is planning a virtual launch event for early November with RJ Julia Booksellers in Madison, CT  for her book Walrus Song (11/2/21) and will autograph pre-orders and event orders.

Speaking of special orders, I would love to send a signed bookplate to anyone preordering A HISTORY OF UNDERWEAR WITH PROFESSOR CHICKEN.


Just fill out this form, and I’ll send you a bookplate the week it releases. If you do, you’ll also be automatically entered in a a drawing for a writing critique (up to 1,000 words). One winner will be randomly selected every month until February. That’s my way of saying THANK YOU!

Finally, it's August 5th and that means HAPPY NATIONAL UNDERWEAR and even more giveaways.

Christine Van Zandt and I are hosting a joint giveaway of our underwear books on Twitter. Christine is also giving away a picture book critique to celebrate. Check out her Twitter feed for more info. 

Whew! So much goodness this month, but the important thing is stay cool and give love to bookstores this August!

More later,


Hannah Holt